Sunday, January 01, 2006

bunny power kablooie eeeeeee

My new cousin Ender is my new favourite person. He gave us coffee to thank us for hosting him. All special coffee that he got when he went down to El Salvador, and it's acid free and grown and picked and ground by some lady he met there...'tis greatly yummy.

I just discovered his existence a few days ago when his plane came in since he is going to university here. I think he is a second cousin and I may have met his siblings when he was off in Banff. The house he is to be living in was suddenly unable to accomodate him until yesterday, so he slept on our couch with our animals. Her Majesty gave Ender various instructions on where things are hidden from them, how to discipline them if he found it necessary, told of the toilet paper being hidden in a little basket to prevent it becoming dragon's favourite playtoy...then she asked me 'so what else is weird in this house then?'
'The people in it?' I volunteered.
He says I haven't met his parents; I told him he hasn't met mine--not on their usual behaviour, anyway. I've lost count of the friends who've said 'but she seems so normal' upon finally meeting her. Yes, she does...around outsiders. But she is odd, truly, and her oddest characteristic is her conviction bordering on dementia that she is totally and perfectly normal.

In true Canadian fashion, the first thing both Hilary and I ascertained about our mystery relative was his hockey affiliation. We were greatly disappointed to discover he cheers for Toronto. We insulted each other and each other's teams gleefully for a long while but since we were at the time watching the world juniors, we were for a time united under the real maple leaf--the red one. Canada beat the States last night too--that was my New Year's Eve. His Majesty didn't want to do anything much, and since it was his birthday we obliged; most willingly, I might add. We also watched that unfortunate debacle in the Spengler Cup against the Russian team with the funny name during the afternoon. And I watched my tape of the kicking-Yashin's-butt game in the morning. A good, quiet day.

Alfie is hurt!!! :'(

It seems Ender shall be joining us at occasional Sunday dinners now, along with Tigger and Hermione--my cousin only discovered a few years ago, who wants to be a dentist. I'm not sure if she and Ender are the same side of the family or not...Tigger isn't on his, that I know.

We had our party Friday, at which I greatly enjoyed myself--it is good to see people again, especially as I am so useless at keeping in touch--keeping in touch in touch, that is, like the actually knowing what's going on in people's lives sort of in touch as opposed to the occasional 'I hate essays. Do you hate essays?' e-mail.

We had a grand old time discussing the relative merits of Chinese versus Russian dumplings, whilst making them, of course, and discussing future husbands and such, balanced spoons on noses, were treated to a demonstration of Jelibeenz's incredible variety of freakish talents, burst into an improptu rendition of 'le Manic,' 'Clowns,' 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat,' and so forth, played mad-libs, and watched House.

Irene, Tourmaline, and I were given a ride home by a gentleman whom I will refer to as 'da Cheat' unless somebody objects or comes up with something better. While he was gallantly braving the cold and scraping the windshield, we had a long discussion on scraper technology. My solution to the issue: move to Hawaii, or find some gallant gentleman to do the work for you while you huddle in the car. But then, I am not an inventive soul--not in practical matters, at any rate.

My parents were a little bemused at the fact that I came home at what would qualify as a late hour, and possibly a little worried, until I mentioned mad-libs...then, of course, they mocked me and Ender gave me a weird look...I think he's one of my few cousins who isn't a complete outcast nerd type. I think all my first cousins are special-classes-honours-scholarship people except Ichabod, who is a little disadvantaged by his epilepsy. I have a pretty nerdy family, all-round. I'm not entirely sure my parents believed me on the noididn'tdrinkdodrugsparticipateinmassiveorgies front, entirely, though. I cannot for the life of me see why they would doubt me, so I may just be paranoid, just like the fact that whenever they say they're proud of me it always sounds like they're trying to convince themselves more so than me that they feel proud is probably paranoia on my part too. But with such overachieving cousins and a little sister in this such dramatic contrast I may indeed be falling behind to a disappointing degree. I wish my interests were more practical; but English is fun. I hate essays...but I love what I'm writing about, and writing itself; it's only the deadline and evaluation aspect that provokes my ire.

I haven't the attention span for yearly resolutions--weekly ones is more my style--but, what the hey, I'll be a lemming and post one. I will work harder and get a good, lucrative scholarship to graduate school. No more of this "someone as smart as you should be getting real scholarships and more cash from the awards office" nonsense. It's time to truly earn my nerd title. 'sgood. Weekends are a perfectly acceptable excuse for a life, right?

Happy new year.


Blogger Tourmaline said...

'da Cheat' is now Inigo. Inigo Coffeeless. Hehe. Unless you object. I better not let people pick their own fake names, or leave code names up to a committee: witness Shilhak-Inshushinak.
I didn't drink, do drugs, participate in massive orgies...;-D!
Yay, I have comments!
And it's "a la Manic."

1:53 PM  
Blogger Tourmaline said...

P.S It's Magnitogorsk - "Magnet Mountain Place." The joke is that it took the heavy metal band Metallica two weeks to get out of there after a concert...
(I credit KVN Pyatigorsk for that joke.)

1:55 PM  

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