This reading week of mine has been very literal. I have never read so many books in the course of a week before in my life. I'm almost at forty. And counting. Research essays kill me--I'm an English student for heaven's sake! I'm not supposed to have anything to do with actual knowledge!
How appropriate it is that the word deadline has the word dead in it.
I'm mad at your other country now, Tourmaline. Very mad. But I still hope they win the bronze. And it was a good game. Russia-Canada is always good. Classic. None more of my team to distract me from work now, though. For some reason t'others in my family seem to care about curling? The mind boggles.
My dragon has yet to grasp the fact that my pen is not a toy, nor my notebook a bed. Much as I'd like the world to be arranged entirely for my precious's convenience, I am unable to accomodate him in all matters.
You know how, when you're really tired, every time you blink too slowly the entire world starts spinning? It's a rather unsettling feeling.
How appropriate it is that the word deadline has the word dead in it.
I'm mad at your other country now, Tourmaline. Very mad. But I still hope they win the bronze. And it was a good game. Russia-Canada is always good. Classic. None more of my team to distract me from work now, though. For some reason t'others in my family seem to care about curling? The mind boggles.
My dragon has yet to grasp the fact that my pen is not a toy, nor my notebook a bed. Much as I'd like the world to be arranged entirely for my precious's convenience, I am unable to accomodate him in all matters.
You know how, when you're really tired, every time you blink too slowly the entire world starts spinning? It's a rather unsettling feeling.
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