Your results:
You are Jean-Luc Picard
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He’s a non-homosexual drama-lover. Hang onto that.
So who’s like a big star for the Toronto Maple Leafs, then? – (long pause) Sundin? – Still? They can’t be doing well then.
He seems to get away with murder—actually, he does.
I’m in drama, studying to be a waitress.
Titus is such a Renaissance man: he’s a scholar, he’s a soldier, he’s a cook. What can’t he do?
Vomiting would be perfectly consistent with the metaphor.
There is nothing wrong with having fun. I do it myself on a regular basis.
If you want to say “I have a friend,” nobody assume that you’re the friend. Sometimes it may be a friend. I have some very strange friends.
I’m struck by how unkempt certain people are, particularly heterosexual men in academia.
On Bernini’s “The Ecstasy of St. Theresa: And he’s coming down with these remarkably phalli-looking arrows...She’s not getting it on with the angel, thank you very much.
We have to talk. I am a very well-designed android. And you didn’t know, even after what we did last night.
Ok, I gotta be honest with you; I’m an android. Nobody’s perfect!
Sorry Charlie, let’s just be friends.
What happens if they run a microwave?
I could be, in a way, an artificial insemination device, of sorts.
It would be like falling in love with a table or something.
You don’t fall in love with a table because it doesn’t give you what you need—I don’t mean just sexually.
I really don’t think ‘I’m an android’ is the worst thing people can say.
If you knew the guy on the sofa with you, holding your hand, with the flowers, had no more sense of self-awareness and awareness of you than my chair.. – Actually, that’s kind of true anyway.
Red, you want to marry a vacuum cleaner?!
He’s got that little twinkle in his mechanical eye...
I wouldn’t want to be rendered useless.
I dunno; we could program in belching, or flatulence.
‘Groovy’ was, I think, white in origin, which is probably why it died.
You can rent 'Batman' and 'Pornman' at the same time
It’s not necessarily a lower standard of living to have a normal shower curtain.
book: “Men are not Cost-effective.”
Parents should do that as an April Fool's joke: "We're getting a divorce, and it's your fault!
Not into your flesh! That's the worst place for it to be!
It's deeply symbolic--So is my penis.
Just face us to the fact that you made a mistake.--Just face up to the fact that you are a mistake.
I hate kids. For my sixteenth birthday I asked my mum if I would get my tubes tied!
Did you call me a slut? I am a slut. I love how you're learning English!!
This isn't a fire! It's a smoking shit-fu*ker!
I would come to class in my pyjama pants is I had pyjamas.
Radiance is part of my plan. Radiance and alcohol. Radiantly drunk.
Where are the cows that moo outside my window?! MOOOOO! COW SEX!!!! MOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like to tempt supernatural fate. It makes me feel dangerous.
It's good that you saved your cigarette. That's the important thing.
You are Jean-Luc Picard
| A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive mind and a firm hand in dealing with others. |
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...
You scored as Storm. Storm is the seconday team leader of the X-Men. She has a peaceful personality but must be careful since her emotions control her powers. She loves gardening and is afaid of tight spaces. Powers: Control of the Weather
Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0 created with |
You scored as Ice Hockey. You should play ice hockey- its another popular winter sport that's different than most other sports because its played on ice and uses different strategies.
What sport are you meant for?? created with |
He’s a non-homosexual drama-lover. Hang onto that.
So who’s like a big star for the Toronto Maple Leafs, then? – (long pause) Sundin? – Still? They can’t be doing well then.
He seems to get away with murder—actually, he does.
I’m in drama, studying to be a waitress.
Titus is such a Renaissance man: he’s a scholar, he’s a soldier, he’s a cook. What can’t he do?
Vomiting would be perfectly consistent with the metaphor.
There is nothing wrong with having fun. I do it myself on a regular basis.
If you want to say “I have a friend,” nobody assume that you’re the friend. Sometimes it may be a friend. I have some very strange friends.
I’m struck by how unkempt certain people are, particularly heterosexual men in academia.
On Bernini’s “The Ecstasy of St. Theresa: And he’s coming down with these remarkably phalli-looking arrows...She’s not getting it on with the angel, thank you very much.
We have to talk. I am a very well-designed android. And you didn’t know, even after what we did last night.
Ok, I gotta be honest with you; I’m an android. Nobody’s perfect!
Sorry Charlie, let’s just be friends.
What happens if they run a microwave?
I could be, in a way, an artificial insemination device, of sorts.
It would be like falling in love with a table or something.
You don’t fall in love with a table because it doesn’t give you what you need—I don’t mean just sexually.
I really don’t think ‘I’m an android’ is the worst thing people can say.
If you knew the guy on the sofa with you, holding your hand, with the flowers, had no more sense of self-awareness and awareness of you than my chair.. – Actually, that’s kind of true anyway.
Red, you want to marry a vacuum cleaner?!
He’s got that little twinkle in his mechanical eye...
I wouldn’t want to be rendered useless.
I dunno; we could program in belching, or flatulence.
‘Groovy’ was, I think, white in origin, which is probably why it died.
You can rent 'Batman' and 'Pornman' at the same time
It’s not necessarily a lower standard of living to have a normal shower curtain.
book: “Men are not Cost-effective.”
Parents should do that as an April Fool's joke: "We're getting a divorce, and it's your fault!
Not into your flesh! That's the worst place for it to be!
It's deeply symbolic--So is my penis.
Just face us to the fact that you made a mistake.--Just face up to the fact that you are a mistake.
I hate kids. For my sixteenth birthday I asked my mum if I would get my tubes tied!
Did you call me a slut? I am a slut. I love how you're learning English!!
This isn't a fire! It's a smoking shit-fu*ker!
I would come to class in my pyjama pants is I had pyjamas.
Radiance is part of my plan. Radiance and alcohol. Radiantly drunk.
Where are the cows that moo outside my window?! MOOOOO! COW SEX!!!! MOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like to tempt supernatural fate. It makes me feel dangerous.
It's good that you saved your cigarette. That's the important thing.